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Why go for commercial conditioners full of paraben and silicon when u can opt for 100% natural remedy.

Launching our SHEA BUTTER HAIR MASK for dry damaged hair. This mask is super moisturising and is made with goodness of shea butter, coconut oil, olive oil, vitamin E oil and rosemary essential oil.

This mask works as a spa treatment to restore the lost shine and texture of your hair. It reduce the frizz, making your hair more manageable, smoother and softer.

Ingredients : Extra Virgin Coconut oil, Extra Virgin Olive oil,Vitamin E oil, Shea Butter, Rosemary essential oil

How to use :

Apply the mask on scalp and length. Leave it on for 30 mins and then rinse it out using mild sulphate free shampoo.

Don’t shampoo your hair before putting in the mask, instead, shampoo your hair to remove the mask. This will ensure your hair doesn’t feel heavy or oily. Use it once a week .

Shelf life : 6 months from date of formulation.

Shea Butter Hair Mask (200 ml)

SKU: 101100186005400

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