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Eucalyptus Honey is made from the flower nectar of Eucalyptus bloom. Honey bees are storing the gathered nectar in the brood cells then change over into honey. RHBFS has apiary for Eucalyptus honey in Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh. Honey will be extracted from November to March month. Eucalyptus honey is dark; it can be light amber as well. 

Eucalyptus Raw Honey - 500 gms

SKU: 101100125002600
500 Grams
  • Immune booster & Antioxidants.

    relieve constipation, its antibacterial properties heal stomach ulcers  

    *Tricetin a compound in eucalyptus honey and pollen, seems to use anticancer activity and stop lung cancer.

    This specific honey was in the past utilized as a characteristic solution for aspiratory tuberculosis.

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