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Make a delicious fresh Horsegram Chutney in one minute. The Horse gram is very high in calcium. Involve this in your vegetarian diet and see the difference.

Also known as Kulith, Gahat or Kulath

Slows down carbohydrate digestion

Great source of iron

Highly protein-rich, high in calcium, low in fat and full of antioxidants.

Try this super food, which does not only give you all the nutrients you need but also treats conditions like kidney stones and haemorrhoids. It aids fat burning, is high in fibre and boosts respiratory health. Moreover Indian scientists have found out that horsegram has the ability to slow down blood sugar rise after a meal. It slows down carbohydrate digestion and reduces insulin resistance. Perfect for diabetics.

Horse gram also has weight-loss abilities because it attacks the fatty tissue in the body, thanks to the phenol content.

100% Natural

Contains NO Artificial Colours/ Preservatives/ Fragrances/ Flavours

Ingredients: Horsegram, Curry Leaves, Flax Seeds, Red Chillies, Peanut, Sendha Namak, Barley, Cold Pressed Ground Oil, Kokam

Nutritional Value: 100g of Horsegram/Kulith Chutney contain 394.8 Calories, 17.34% Protein, 7.02% Mineral, 67.45% Carbohydrates, 6.18% Fat and 2.01% Moisture

How to store: Store in Cool Dry Place or Air Tight Containers

Eat Right Basket Horsegram Chutney Powder - High In Calcium (100 gms)

SKU: 101100226011700

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